III. Classroom Management and Behavior

Classroom Management Philosophy

I believe the teacher is in charge of maintaining order as unobrusively as possible in order for students to maintain dignity.  I will use a variety of techniques to manage classroom behavior including proximity and hand-manipulators while still looking out for new methods to try.  I will treat students with the same respect I expect to receive from them.


Classroom Expectations

1. Students should come prepared for class with books, writing utencil, paper, etc.

2. Students should be ready to participate productively in class discussions

3. Plagarasim will result in an automatic zero for the assignment

4. School rules as noted in handbook apply


Classroom Arrangement

Depending on the size of the classroom and the number of students, I would like to arrange a classroom so student desks face the whiteboard or chalkboard while being easily repositioned for cooperative learning.  Posters will be arranged on blank wall spots or bulletin boards.  One bulletin board would be devoted to student achievement (academic, athletic, artistic) utilizing news clippings and student work.  If the room is big enough I would like to have a section for small group meetings on a couple of comfortable chairs around a table or large throw pillows on the floor.